My Life as Kathy

Friday, March 03, 2006

People are dumb and annoying. I don't mean some people - all people, everyone of them. Now that I have your attention I should adjust that statement by saying everyone in this room. I work at an "asset managment company" that does well for itself. But, the price we pay for such success is at times baffling. I am dealing with the best of the best in terms of knowledge of all that is lame and boring. They are a neurotic group with monchromatic personalities. In case you havn't caught on yet, today's blog is about complaining, griping, just general old fashion bitching. Usually I can voice - aka, type via instant messenging - my complaints to my partner in crime but she is on a way overdue vacation. We have one person here - we'll call her Elfin Magic - she is a little worker troll. Her dedication and intensity make me want to go to bed. She is 3 feet tall and has a long mane of hair. She knows everything about said area and at 26 years old she has declared to the room of people before me that she never wants to have children. Two people I don't trust per se - those that don't drink and those that claim they don't want children. What is going on in her brain. She is the kind of girl who never picks her nose, even when she is alone. She always uses a kleenex. One that came from her purse, neatly folded, leftover from some ritzy hotel she stayed in while meeting with some company that makes magnetic, semi-invasive, lighted rods that doctors stick in your numeroids to clean out your suz-o-whats. I want to take her out and get her wasted and watch her grind-up on some 19 year olds with fake id's visiting from Jersey. Ahhh, just the image alone has brought me out of my funk. Carry on.


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