My Life as Kathy

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I am spoiled. I hate driving. I have to be constantly entertained. Not in an ADD kind of way. I am very self-entertained for the most part. But, I find myself yearning to read or make a list or write when I am driving. I can't just drive. Not good. Especially considering every other person on the road in SW Fl is either unlicensed or over the age of 100. So, today expressing my innerthoughts outwardly to a friend regarding my detest for driving (I drive 70+ miles a day). He said you are just like Arthur. He said, I need a chauffuer that drives me around, while I get drunk in the back seat. I roll out once we get to the office, giggling, tripping. Hair all messy. At first we just laughed, and then we slowed down and thought about it. This guy really seemed to have it made. Externally so jovial, loving, gregarious. But, scratch the surface and you can smell the alcohol and tears. This picture above is how I would like to remember him. It looks like he even has a radio in his bathtub - GOD - two of my favorite things, bathes and talk radio. Combining that with a crazy, but, stylishly cute hat and an alcoholic beverage. Shot me, because I am ready to die - this would be my ultimate experience. (meanwhile my baby just kicked my boob, or so it felt, I think she concurs).