My Life as Kathy

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A good friend of mine has recently lost the right to drop off his dog everyday at his mother's house before going to work. I find this funny, because I've known him for over 10 years and I saw this day coming for quite sometime. His mother, who I think is very real and cool, is also a true German lady who loves to keep busy tidying, cleaning, etc. She attempted to raise my friend as my father raised me, a perfectionist of sorts. I vividly remember being given a lesson in the proper method of sweeping the sidewalk. Say the sidewalk horizantally runs West to East - the only correct way to clean/sweep this sidewalk is the one swift motion from West to East with particular attention paid to the crack between concrete slabs with a special broom with more narrow and toughened bristels. I would try so hard to get it just right so that my dad would be proud. On the rare times he was I was elated - yey! I rule, I am the best sweeper, raker, cleaner ever and my sister sucks. I am the WINNER! This kind of pride from irrational ocd method of cleaning never hit home for my friend. He saw his mother's nagging then as today as a nuisance. Unecessary and an intentional behavior from his mother to make his day awful. He does not take pride in tidying up his Mom's home, not when he was younger and not now. The picture was sent to me this morning from my friend, not like - hey look how cute my nephew is or wow, my brother is making him gay dressing him like that. Nothing but the curt sentence of "check out all the leaves in the backyard." I love that.


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